TraceManhwa Wiki
Ryu Jee-hyun
Trace ryu jee-hyu
Vital statistics
Name Ryu Jee-hyun
Species Human
Group affiliation(s) Trace Circus
Beggar Team
Physical description
Gender Female
Images | Quotes

Ryu Jee-hyun is a normal human woman, although trace abilities may be present, she has yet to show them. Jee-hyun is the hacker and resident genius of the Trace Circus and Beggar Team. She supports Kim Yun-seong.


Jee-hyun was a researcher under Hee-sub's father. She quit her job after finding out what his father did to the son and daughter. Jee-hyun join Hee-sub against his father in exposing him.

After Soonsung forms the Beggar Team, she joins the new team severing him as she did with Hee-sub.
